Avaliable Products

Friday, January 25, 2013

Well...I'm back...

...and now officially a father!  Madelyn was born on Januray 20th and in perfect health.  Thankfully everyone is doing very well.  An entire new chapter has opened in her mother's and my future and we both couldn't be happier.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Going to be out of the shop for a bit....

Some fairly important events have recently required my full attention , so I am going to be out of the shop for a while.  Those looking to purchase adapters,  they are in stock, but it will be a week or so before I can fulfill your orders.  Sorry for the inconvenience, and if you need to get a hold of me, email is the best.  Thanks for the understanding.

Dave Farwell

Thursday, January 10, 2013

The Real Thing....

I love these type of short, quality videos...enjoy.

The Real Thing from Union HZ on Vimeo.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Holiday break...

Things definitely slowed down over the holiday break.  I had big plans on getting a whole bunch of projects done and new ones started. 

Well...that didn't happen.  I've been sick, lying on the couch for the last week doing absolutely nothing.  In fact, I'm still not back to normal but I can't take it anymore.

I did manage to get out Monday and go to an auction.  I almost came home with this...

...but my senses prevailed and I bought a Massey Ferguson 202 front end loader instead.  Oh well, one of these days I will end up with a vehicle with tracks...