Avaliable Products

Thursday, March 31, 2016

It's Done!

Finally, the '36 is leaving.....

On to the next one....

Friday, March 18, 2016

Getting close....

Getting close to shipping the first several of the Model A torque tube adapters out of here...

Friday, March 11, 2016

Dodge 218 Supercharger Mount...

Here are some progress pictures....

Model A to S-10 T5 with Torque Tube Adapter...

Well, finally after months of work, The 4x4 S-10 T5 is bolted to the Model A rear end.

It actually went together fairly easily without any surprises.  The plan is to eventually offer an adapter that uses the newer '32-'48 4 bolt pattern clam shell instead of the Model A's 6 bolt pattern.