Avaliable Products

Friday, September 9, 2011

Carbs are bad for you....

With the help of a couple NAPA rebuild kits, the '40 is back on the road.   Yeah!...now on to the body work...yuck.

Over the past week or so, I have become intimately familiar with the Rochester B carburetor.  They are actually quite amazing.  Are they the best carb out there?  Probably not.  However, it is still fascinating to think how they were developed.  They were not designed with the help of computers, the castings are so thin  in areas and the machining of all of the internal passageways is astounding.  There are small screens and restrictors hid in the passageways and there are very few parts to go bad.   

I came across an original GM published Operation and Servicing manual on the Rochester B.  It was released in May of 1952.  It explains the theory and execution of the design of the carb.  It cleared a lot of misunderstandings up for me.

I am working on scanning it into a pdf.