Avaliable Products

Friday, October 26, 2012

F100 Brakes, Problems and Solutions....

When putting '53-'56 F100 backing plates onto '37-'40 round back spindles, there is a clearance issue that needs to be addressed.  Because the brakes are only 11" in diameter, the wheel cylinder is placed closer to the spindle.  This causes an interference between the brake hose and spindle that is solved by simply grinding a small relief on the top of the spindle as shown below:

A second issues is encountered when the later '65-'66 F100 self adjuster hardware is installed.  The stock '53-'56 brake shoe retainer clip is too thick to put both springs and adjuster cable on the top pin.  The thickness measured 0.240" and needed to be reduced to at least 0.130".

The easiest way to do this is by using a surface grinder.  Fortunately, I actually have one....however....it's completely torn apart.

None the less, I still was able to use the magnetic base and grind them done with a 4 1/2" angle grinder.

The next issue was that on the drive's side, the adjuster slot was in the wrong place.  It appeared that the backing plates are the same stamping from side to side and that the clocking of the mounting holes is what determines the  mounting direction.  They also used the same adjuster originally from side to side.  With the addition of the self energizing hardware, there are specific adjusters for each side.

With a little bit of machining, it was ready to go.

And here you have it...'53-'56 Ford F100 backing plates on '40 Ford spindles with '65-'66 Ford F100 self adjusters.  All that is left is the bearings, drums and brake lines...