Avaliable Products

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Hudson T5 progress...

Originally, the plan was to adapt a GM bellhousing behind the Hudson motor and bolt on the T5.  After machining a wood template, there were several issues with that plan.

First off, the starter location was where the bellhousing alignment dowel pin was.  I then tried to move the starter to the other side, but because of the exhaust manifold outlet, there wasn't enough room.  There wasn't much room to rotate the starter up from it's stock location because the dipstick was in the way.  Also, the oil pan it ridiculously huge on this thing, so I couldn't move the starter underneath.

The only thing left to do was to use the original bellhousing and make an adapter from it to the transmission.  The '83-'93 S-10 T5 bolt pattern did not lend it self particularly well to the layout of the clutch linkage.  However, the '94-'95 S-10 T5 with the Ford bolt pattern seemed to be a much better fit.  In fact, the top left hole actually lines up with an existing bolt hole and the overall shape of the mating surfaces are pretty darn close.

So, onto Rev B.  Here is the wood mockup....