Avaliable Products

Monday, June 3, 2013

Ready for some paint...

Over the weekend, we were able to  finish up all of the metalwork on the spare tire cutout.  It didn't turn out too bad and with a couple coats of high build primer, it's going to be ready for paint. 

If you take your time and only weld in small amounts, then hammer the welds as they are cooling, you can keep everyhting fairly flat and even with minimum warpage.  When you weld, the panel will warp...it's going to happen.  As the weld cools, it shrinks and puts everything in a bind.  This shrinkage causes the warpage and the hammering stretches it back out. The most important thing is to make sure the two pieces being welded together are even with each other.

With everything ground down, hide it all with some high build primer and it starts looking pretty good...

With a little sanding with 220 then 440 grit, we'll be ready for color.