Avaliable Products

Friday, July 26, 2013

The Hudson is done....

I worked over last weekend to try and finish the long list of little items that need to be completed so that we could get it out the door.

The T5 was considerably larger that the original transmission.  That meant a little extra clearance was needed.  The floor pan was initially cut so that there was enough clearance all the way around.  I fashioned a small hump using the Pullmax and english wheel.  It didn't have to be that deep of a shape so it wasn't too difficult.  I planned on taking pictures as it progressed but my camera wasn't charged and before I knew it, I was done anyways...I take better pics on the next one....I promise.

The customer also wanted a short exhaust extension coming off of the dual manifold so that the exhaust shop had something to hook to.   A couple of left over header tubing pieces did the trick...

 Over all, I am fairly satisfied with how everything turned out.  Hudsons are definitely an unique car but they also have an unique personality.