Avaliable Products

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Boxey but Ugly....

Not quite vintage, but I was in the need for a new daily driver.  Enter the '93 Volvo 240 Wagon...

So before anyone blasts me for buying a 20+ year old Volvo, let me explain...

For quite sometime, I wanted to build a vehicle that had some rather respectable horsepower that I could still use for the daily commute.  I need that vehicle to not only transport me around, but my daughter, wife and dog....safely and still get decent gas mileage.  That particularly can not be said for my current vehicle...at least the safety part.  Also, I wanted to investigate manufacturing parts for a bit more modern engine than the 235/261 family.

So, I initially looked at the LS family of engines.  While impressive and fit with what I wanted to do, there are quite a few aftermarket companies already specializing in them and I feel that the market is fairly saturated.  Plus, it is a fairly common swap in almost everything. 

Then I saw this.....

...and I was sold.

I am on the search now for a 2JZ engine...don't worry, there will be more to come.