Avaliable Products

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Willy's progress...

It's been a slow go around here but we were able to make some progress on the Willy's Knight.  The front end is completely welded in and the boxing plates are coming along nicely. 

After we had everything mocked together and the cross member tacked in, we set the car on the ground to see what it was going to look like at ride height.  We immediately notice two issues.  First off, the front tires were not lined up in the fenders quite right.  They were back about an inch.  I wish I would have taken a picture...it looked like the car was tripping over itself.  Secondly, it was sitting too high.  We did have the correct diameter tires that we wished to use and the front suspension was sitting at the desired ride height but it still needed to come down about an 1-1/2" 

Since the cross member had to come out anyway, we decided to trim about a 1/2" off of the risers and move it up into the frame.  This placed the upper spring hat level with the top of the frame.  Any more trimming, we would have run into issues with the control arms interfering with the fenders.  As it is now, there is sufficient clearance.  Ultimately, we are going to have to probably adjust the remainder of the ride height with the springs by either using a shorter coil, cutting the supplied coils or using a 3" dropped spindle instead of the supplied 2".  Either way, an inch isn't that hard to make up.....