Avaliable Products

Friday, January 15, 2016

Model A cowl patch...

Since the passenger side lower cowl patch is done, it's time to move onto the driver side.  I received several inquires on how I made the patch piece, so here you go....

The first step is to bend a 90 degree lip on the panel. This is the bottom and will attach underneath the sub rail structure via some spot welds...

Next, using some joggle dies on the Pulmax, I made the lower body line.

Now, this doesn't exactly make the lower body line a true copy of the original.  It's relatively flat where as the original has a slight crown.  I really need to just spend the time and make some dies...

But after spending some time lightly hammering the patch over a piece of round stock, it turns out fairly close...

When welding panels in, it's all about the fit...

The panel is going to warp...it happens.  The weld shrinks when it cools and this distorts the metal.  By hammering and dollying the weld, it can be stretched back out usually alleviating most of the distortion.

It is important to get the edges of the patch flush with the original panel so that it can be ground smooth.  Don't spend too much time in one spot with the grinder.  It is amazing how hot a sanding disc can get the metal and cause it to distort.